Saturday, November 27, 2021

194 Airbnb (Short-Term Rental) Is Hot Right Now! | REI Show- Hard Money For Real Estate Investors

Short term rentals are exploding! Everybody wants to dip in and try it. A lot of real estate markets in different states are getting saturated. A lot of destinations are feeling the crowd from short term rentals. But how does this implicate the general state of the real estate market?

All these and more in this episode of Real Estate Investor Show - Hard Money For Real Estate Investors!

0:01 - Introduction: “ Are Airbnb's hot right now?”
1:53 -
2:12 -
4:07 - CCM’s long term rental program
6:27 - What is the minimum investment? Or is it for accredited investors?
8:11 - Breaking News
8:45 - The supply of affordable homes jump 13% year over year
15:28 - This week’s 30 year fixed mortgage rate jumps 3.34% in average
15:52 - Wages went up by 6%
16:04 - The accessory dwelling unit can increase the value of your property by up to 35%.
18:38 - Airbnb is better under short term rentals rather than long term.
23:27 - Destination short-term rentals vs. non- destination short-term rentals
27:24 - Visit Sonrisers Facebook page to meet great people in real estate
29:28 - Next Show: Passive Accredited Investor Show with Stephanie Walter -

Carolina Capital is a hard money lender serving the needs of the “Real Estate Investor” and the "Small Builder" borrower who is striving to build wealth and generate income for themselves and their families. We offer “hard money rehab loans” and "Ground-up Construction Loans" for investors only in NC, SC, GA, VA, and TN (some areas of FL, as well).

As part of our business practices, we also serve as consultants for investors guiding them to network with other investors and educating them in locating and structuring transactions. Rarely, if ever, will you find a hard money lender willing to invest in your success like Carolina Capital Management.

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