Monday, March 1, 2021

Jay Conner - Real Estate Investing Successes

Jay Conner became known as The Private Money Authority back in 2009 because when he and his wife Carol Joy started investing in single-family houses in Eastern North Carolina back in 2003, they initially relied on local banks and mortgage companies.

They had a rude awakening in January of 2009. Jay got cut off from the local banks with no notice like the rest of the world did when during the global financial crisis.

Right then and there, he knew he had to find a better and more efficient way to get deals funded. That’s when he learned about private money.

Jay was able to raise over $2 million in private funding from the time he started attracting private money.

While there are many creative ways to buy properties, at the end of the day, most of the deals are done and concluded by having all the cash ready to go.

So in today’s episode, Jay Conner shares with you four ways to get more offers accepted.

#RealEstate #Foreclosures #PrivateMoney

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