Sunday, February 28, 2021

NoteExpo 2020 - Building a Successful Mortgage Note Business

"The reason I keep attending NoteExpo year after year is the quality of attendees, and lack of sales pitches. There is a genuine atmosphere of shared success and continuing education at these events. It is great that NoteSchool continues to add value for its students, and the public, without asking for additional money while leaving the "gurus" and salesman at home."

Kevin Moen,
Note Investor in Seattle, WA

Distressed debt is the hottest niche in real estate investing. And NoteExpo has one goal…to help you capitalize on it now while the opportunity is at its peak.

The first annual NoteExpo was launched to fill a void in the Note Industry. Even though note investing events have proliferated over the past few years, we hear from our clients that they want one big event that combines education, networking, a vendor exhibition area of the highest quality, and they want it to be run as professionally as you run your business, including a premium venue, sessions that start and stop on time, and an atmosphere where guests aren’t subjected to nonstop sales pitches.

Discover more about Note School and profiting without Tenants, Toilets and by taking our FREE one day class:

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It’s A Whole New Ball Game With Creative Financing

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